processed_Eilish Hazell and Harrison Bechly, “Transcending the Body as Meat” performance for VENUS IN THORNS at Trocadero Art Space, Footscray for Midsumma Festival. Curated by Jake Treacy. Photos by Janni Cox. .jpg

subject object abject you Yours

Dettol latex meat ink metal

When I look down I don’t feel comfortable in myself

So I seek you out to crawl into

Bind my chest tight Winded strangled

I take a needle a blade Slip out of my skin

Beyond taste and pain I slip out of my skin

I slip into your skin instead As you into mine

Euphoric erotic dysphoria

I peek inside you and uncover

The secret of your masculinity

Snip a bit of it off to keep

To have you to be you I wear you around

Transending devouring

The body as meat









‘Trancending the Body as Meat’ performance for Venus in Thorns, curated by Jake Treacy for Midsumma Festival at Trocadero Art Space, Footscray. Photos by Janni Cox. January 21, 2020.